During the days 26 e 27 of February, the second mid-term meeting of ENBRAIN project took place at Palácio do Vimioso in Évora (Portugal). The host partner was the University of Évora. The event welcomed a total of 24 partners from Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED), University of Tripoli, Zawia University, Misurata University, Sirte University and Sebha University. The meeting started with the institutional greetings and the presentation of the agenda of the meeting from the Professor Manuel Collares-Pereira, chairman of the Renewable Energies Chair of the UE. Prof. Collares-Pereira expressed his sincere thanks to all the Libyan partners that faced a long trip to attend to the meeting in Portugal.
Throughout the two days, fruitful discussions took place between between the partners, fostering the cooperation between all the institutions to achieve the goals of the project. The delegates of Sirte University attended this meeting consisted of: Dr. Abdulsalam M. Abdulgader (the Vice president), Dr. Eltayeb Elgobbi (ICO Director), and Imhemed Elhasoni (Head of Mechanical Dept.).