Training SAHA Project University of Pavia

From 19 to 23 September, a training week will be held at the University of Pavia as part of the SAHA Project – raiSe libyAn Higher education heAlth sector for the benefit of local society. What does it involve? First of all, the Training aspect of the project is part of section/workpackage number 4, the aim of which is to organise local training and a Study Visit for Libyan staff, with the following introduction of ICT technologies as a tool for interactive education, e-learning, continuous education, Online Training and Virtual mobility. The pursue is to have a group of teachers trained in the new teaching skills. For this reason, four mobility activities for training purposes were organised at the different partner universities with the purpose of training Libyan lecturers and teachers who will form the teaching staff of the teachings built within the SAHA Project (WP2) (type, Business Development, Telemedicine, etc.) within new or existing masters courses in the different partner universities. Indeed each seminar/lesson during the training week corresponds to one teaching.
The first of the four activities organised, for example, took place between 16 and 20 May 2022 at the University of Granada and the second will be held in Pavia.
During these training days in Italy, professors and researchers from the Libyan universities that make up the consortium (University of Tripoli, University of Misurata, University of Sebha, University of Sirte, University of Zawia and the International Medical University of Libya – LIMU) will participate in and develop a programme that combines theoretical and practical sessions, with the addition of external visits to the University of Pavia. The main topics will be health technology assessment, health quality and different case studies on health management in different sectors. Furthermore, a visit to the Emergency Room of the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia has been organised to show the Pavia field of study and work as well as a visit to the hospital Data Centres. The second one is very important to show the Libyan partners an example of the structure and functioning of what is to be created in Libya at their facilities.
Training SAHA Project University of Pavia – Saha project ( download