statement of the director of Postgraduate Studies & Training Department
The postgraduate studies and training department seeks to localize postgraduate studies and keep pace with the scientific development witnessed by the world around us in all sciences by opening many postgraduate programs in various faculties of the university. as the number of master’s programs at the university for this year (2023) reached 17 programs, in addition to 16 master’s programs and 6 PhD programs will be approved this year. The administration is also working to encourage teaching assistants to engage in the teaching assistant’s weekly work programs, and to enroll them with full-time teaching staff members in the same specializations, as we believe that the teaching assistant is the first building block to produce a teaching staff member in the future, which we must facilitate the laying of the foundations of science and knowledge for him by subjecting him to intensive training courses in many fields. The administration also organized the Creative Teaching Assistant competition for three consecutive sessions.
Dr. Hussein Masoud Abumadina
director of Postgraduate Studies & Training Department
- About Postgraduate Studies and training departmentThe Department of Postgraduate Studies and Training is concerned with preparing and implementing postgraduate studies plans for faculty members, teaching assistants, employees or workers and others in various workplaces within the university’s jurisdiction.The administration also takes the necessary measures regarding sending university faculty members and teaching assistants abroad to complete their postgraduate studies. The administration exercises its functions through the following offices:a. The Postgraduate Studies Office, which is responsible for:1. Receiving nominations from various employers, including the relevant organizational divisions of the university for the purposes of postgraduate study at the university, and classifying and classifying them..2. Limiting and defining the fields of postgraduate studies that are open in home country and the numbers that can be directed to them.3. Participating in research and studies to determine the possibility of developing new and existing postgraduate disciplines.4. Preparing postgraduate plans and programs and supervising their implementation.5. Preparing a draft budget for the implementation of postgraduate plans and programs and following up on their approval and execution.6. Receiving follow-up reports on the execution of postgraduate plans and programs, then researching and assessing them to address the challenges and issues identified.7. Reviewing the requests for extending the study duration and proposing the necessary procedures.8. Participating in seminars, symposiums, and scientific forums relevant to office activities.9. Writing follow-up reports on office operations on a regular and annual basis.10. Taking part in committee and team projects relevant to the office activities.b. The Teaching Assistants Office:The Office is concerned with signing and renewing contracts, approving emergency and annual leave, appointing teaching assistants as faculty members, and teaching and nominating teaching assistants for the purpose of studying abroad As well as:1- Receiving follow-up reports on the execution of the teaching assistant procedures, then studying and analyzing them to take action to overcome the difficulties and problems encountered.2- Participating in seminars, symposiums, and meetings related to office activities inside and outside.3- Preparing periodic and annual follow-up reports on the office's activity.Rights and Duties of Teaching Assistants1. The contract with the teaching assistant shall be at the ninth degree and for a period of two years, starting from the date of commencement of work and automatically renewed, in addition to the annual allowances.2. Once contracted, the teaching assistants must engage in live language and IT program learning.3. Universities and institutions of higher education may use the efforts of teaching assistants while studying in monitoring examinations, and other scientific or administrative work that is consistent with their study programs.4. The teaching assistants shall not reject engaging immediately in educational or training programs or refraining from the work given to them by their working institution.5. The institution shall create a scientific environment for teaching assistants to participate in its postgraduate program or any other educational institution in Libya.6. The teaching assistants may not be held for a period exceeding four years during which a higher degree (master's degree) is required and may be extended for a period of only one year if the teaching assistant is sent for study with a decision of the authority.7. The teaching assistants must sign daily in the attendance register at the faculty higher studies office. The signature sheets shall be forwarded to the Administration at the beginning of the following month.8. Upon joining, the teaching assistant shall continue his studies without interruption, and shall provide the Department of Postgraduate Studies with the necessary reports on the progress of his studies in the specialization previously specified for him, without any change except with the approval of the competent department.9. The teaching assistant is given annual leave during the university vacation and granted the full salary for the period of leave.10. When the teaching assistant is dispatched in home county, he is given a double salary, and if his residence is more than 100 kms away from the university to which he is delegated, he is paid a housing allowance of 115% of his salary. An allowance for scientific books and tools and expenses for scientific experiments or field studies are also granted at an amount of (5000) five thousand dinars for students of applied sciences and an amount of (3000) three thousand dinars for students of humanities, to be divided over the years of study and sponsored by the university and deducted from the item of postgraduate studies inside.11. Upon being dispatched on a scholarship abroad, the teaching assistant shall be granted the privileges stipulated in the scholarship regulations, and he undertakes to complete his studies for the scientific degree for which he was sent, and to persevere in attending studies and scientific training, and in all cases he is subject to the procedures and decisions that a student sent from outside the university is subject to.12. The teaching assistant signs a contract with the university in which he undertakes to continue working with it for a period equal to twice the scholarship period, provided that the period is not less than three years.13. The Teaching Assistant is promoted to the position of a faculty member with the scientific degree of Assistant Lecturer from the date of obtaining the high degree (Master’s).14. The disciplinary provisions of the previous General People's Committee Decision No. 501/2010 shall apply to teacher assistants.The contract expires in the following cases:- Failing to acquire computer and live language skills.- Failing in the study programs according to the applicable regulations.-If, for reasons that are not serious, refraining from enrolling in the postgraduate program or training, or breaking the instructions of the institution.- If he is absent from work without a legitimate reason for more than (20) separate days during one year or more than ten consecutive days, provided that the dismissal is preceded by a written warning to the teaching assestant after his absence for ten days in the first case and his absence for five days in the second case.-If the exact specialization is changed without the written consent of the department and the college.- If the teaching assistant did not finish the study for which he was delegated outside Libya within the legally specified period.- If a disciplinary board decision is issued against him to dismiss him from the study.- upon Resignation.c. Missions Office, which is concerned with:1. receiving nominations from various employers, including the relevant organizational divisions of the university, for the purposes of postgraduate study abroad/inside, classifying and classifying them..2. Preparing plans and programs for postgraduate studies abroad, taking procedures for approving them, and following up on their implementation in coordination with the competent authorities.3. Preparing a draft budget for the implementation of postgraduate plans and programs and following up on their approval and execution.4. Receiving follow-up reports on the execution of postgraduate plans and programs, then researching and assessing them to address the challenges and issues identified.5. Coordinating with the relevant authorities to examine the extension of scholarships or the termination of the mission and ensure that the teaching assistant returns to his/her working place.6. Participation in seminars, symposiums, and scientific meetings related to office activities.7. Writing follow-up reports on the office operations on a regular and annual basis8. Participating in the work of committees and working groups relevant to the office activities.d. The Training Office, which is responsible for:1. contribute to the development of draft plans and training programs that the university intends to implement.2. Participating in scheduling the implementation of the annual plan in coordination with the relevant organizational divisions of the University.3. Making the necessary arrangements for opening training programs in the light of the plan approved by the university, preparing schedules of lectures and classes, and distributing them to faculty members and trainers.4. Collecting nominations received from the organizational divisions of the university and its faculties, and classifying them according to each training program.5. Implementation of the programs contained in the plans of the university and its faculties.6. Preparing announcements on training courses and programs in accordance with the timelines specified in the plan, in coordination with the organizational divisions of the University.7. Contributing to the implementation of training programs and preparing related reports.8. Preparing requested periodic reports on the activities of the Office.9. Conducting the assigned work consistent with the nature of the work of the Office.
- Vision, Mission, and ObjectivesVision:The Department of Postgraduate Studies and Training at Sirte University aspires to provide an educational service of international quality capable of achieving excellence in scientific research.Mission:Develop programs and plans for postgraduate studies inside and abroad aimed at preparing qualified academic cadres specialized in various fields of knowledge capable of innovation, creativity and excellence in education and scientific research to meet the needs and requirements of society.Objectives:The Department aims to:1. Work on preparing highly qualified academic outputs that are in line with the requirements of the modern era.2. Support scientific research in academic and practical contexts to help improve the performance of the student and the research process.3. Directing research studies on all problems and issues of society, whether human, applied or cultural, to serve the areas of creativity and development in society.4. Enhancing study opportunities at home country for students of humanities and applied sciences who were not sent abroad.5. Provide instruction in scientific research techniques and processes and allow students to learn about these tools and methods in their areas of specialty.6. Provide educational institutions with qualified teaching staff.
- Admission Requirements:In order for the student to be accepted to obtain a master’s degree, in addition to the conditions stipulated in the graduate studies regulations issued under the previous “General People’s Committee Decision No. 119” at 2006,” the following is required:1. The student must have a first university degree "Bachelor's degree) or its equivalent in the same specialization applied for, from one of the university colleges or from one of the other recognized universities.2. The student must have good conduct.3. he student must pass the admission and preference exam. In the academic and linguistic requirements determined by the faculty or department in accordance with the regulations of the educational institution.4. The approval of the employer "for workers" to devote themselves to study in part or in full, as required by the regulations of the educational institution..
- The Documents Required for Postgraduate Study:
Applications shall be submitted to the General Administration of Postgraduate Studies on the form prepared for that on the dates specified by the internal regulations of the faculties, provided that the following documents are attached with them:
1-original Certification of subjects and grades obtained by the student during the study years according to the level studied.
2-University degree or a statement of obtaining it, or an equivalence certificate - the original.
3-Military status statement.
4-Criminal Status Certificate.
5-Health certificate.
6-Birth and residence certificate from the family record book.
7-A full-time statement from the employer - for employees.
8-Four personal photographs.
9-Copy of passport (for foreigners).
10-Approval by the Higher Committee of Universities for (non-Libyans).
11-Certificate Equivalency. ”For non-Libyan". - Specifications of the Scientific Thesis:
The thesis or dissertation shall be prepared in sound and clear language, and an abstract in Arabic and another in a foreign language shall be attached, neither of which exceeds 700 words.
In the event that teaching in foreign languages is approved, the thesis or dissertation shall be prepared in those languages, and an Arabic summary shall be attached to it.
- Submission and registration of proposals:The proposal shall be submitted in accordance with the following regulations:1. he title and plan of the thesis: The student puts a limited formula for the title of the thesis according to its subject, and identifies the problem of the study, its scientific importance, objectives and methodological procedures..2. A committee shall be established in the relevant scientific department to adopt the proposal.3. The topic of the thesis and the research plan shall be registered with the authority authorized to do so officially.4. It is not permissible to introduce any modification or change in the title of the thesis or the research plan unless necessary, and the modification or change is done in the same way in which the title and subject of the thesis or the research plan were recorded and approved..