About the Faculty
About the Conference :
From 1951 to 2022, Libya experienced constant changes and volatility at the political, administrative, and economic levels, which are experienced by many world countries as well. This period started with the federal system and three states, then the central state experience through districts, and then the ten provinces between 1951 and 1974. Afterward, comes the period extended between 1975 and 2011 when centralization decreased and several executive powers and tasks were distributed to all the Libyan regions in the form of a decentralized regional system, represented in municipalities, communes, and Local councils. Although with drawing many powers and the centralization rate increased in the last five years of that period, from 2012 until the beginning of 2022, with the promulgation of Law No. 59 of 2012, the administrative system of governorates, municipalities, and shops was referred to once again. However, many cities and regions are still suffering from centralization even under the law. Promulgation of the Regulation No. 330 of 2021 which provides the regulation of local revenues and the entitlement of municipalities to own and use their resources for local services benefit, is perhaps one of the most influential legal frameworks, that leads to more profound decentralization, thereby creating balanced spatial development at the state level. This may not be possible in the absence of political stability, a system, or an administrative division that ensures effective community participation. The rejection of abhorrent centralization and transformation into a truly decentralized system that guarantees the realization of desires and upgrading local service levels remained a demand by many people in different Libyan areas in the past years. From this point of view, the concept of centralism and its implications on spatial development in Libyan regions and institutions should have received considerable attention in the development and political discourse. Centralization has multifaceted and multidimensional implications, particularly economic, social, cultural, and political aspects, which affect the right to participate effectively in policymaking and contribute to increasing the economic growth rates, equitable access to services, and the distribution of development returns. Staying on centralization can be an obstacle to achieving democratization and spatial development (local development). Here, the way central state institutions operate needs to be radically reformed. Based on the above, the idea of establishing an international scientific conference specializing in investigating centralization and its implications for spatial development has emerged, at which researchers and specialists meet to discuss the themes of this important field, as it has become necessary to give it the needed attention at universities, academies, higher education institutes, and research centers.
Objectives of the Conference
:The conference aims to
- To review and examine the reality of centralism at the Libyan government institutions level.
- To analyze the implications of centralization on spatial development.
- To explore the spatial development's basic components and requirements.
- To examine the role of decentralization in spatial development achievement.
- To share other countries' experiences on centralization, decentralization, and spatial development.
Conference Dates
The announcement of the Conference
Start of receiving proposals
Deadline of receiving proposals
Replying to received research
End of making and receiving edits
Replying to requested edits
Submitting the participation letter
Additional information for participation:
1. All proposals from all countries are accepted unless it was published in previous conferences or scientific journals. In addition, the research should be attached with a summary in both languages
2. Proposals should be related to the themes of the conference, it would be subjected to scientific review.
3. Conference participation is free of charge and the participation letter is only sent after filling out the form, which will be received by researchers.
4. Ten outstanding proposals will be selected and published in the Economic Studies Journal, In addition to publishing in the conference folder with the other accepted proposals.
Themes of the Conference
1. The conceptual framework of centralization and spatial development.
2. Investigating the reality of centralization in government institutions.
i. The reality of institutional performance and the quality of locally provided services
ii. The level of satisfaction with the provided services
iii. Institutional competitiveness, development, and improvement
iv. The issues and the nature of the operation of regulatory systems and reducing administrative and financial corruption
v. Legislative authorities and the performance of local administration
Terms and Conditions
The Conference adopts scientific writing standards of the Economic Studies Journal published by the Faculty of Economics/Sirte University. Writing and publication rules and conditions:
1. Research should contribute to increasing the knowledge in the field of humanities
2. Research should meet the scientific research requirements, including a summary of the research, presentation of the problem, relevant literature review, methodology, data analysis, presentation of findings, and recommendations.
3. Proposals are accepted in Arabic and English languages.
4. Following sound linguistic rules to write research.
5. Proposals should not be previously published, sent to another journal, or participated in a conference, seminar, or workshop.
6. Research should be on (A4) paper, provided on a CD, or sent by E-mail. Page limits should be minimum of (10) pages and maximum of (25) pages.
7. All proposals shall be subjected to scientific review.
8. The researcher is committed to making adjustments according to the sent reports and providing an edited version within the amendments' approval time.
9. The research may be published, therefore researcher must not refuse it, unless for reasons that the Scientific Committee is satisfied with.
10. A Summary maximum of (250) word in Arabic and English should be attached, followed by indicative terms maximum of (5) to define the main aspects of the research.
11. The committees may edit the research, if necessary, according to the methods and controls of publication.
12. The Researcher must write personal information on a separate paper, including full name, current function, degree, name of the institution working for, detailed addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail.
13. Sources and references must be proven in the research, the researcher's name and year of publication should be placed in parentheses, and the page number should be added in the case of a direct quotation.
14. All references should be included in the reference list before the appendices, if any, and arranged alphabetically initiated in Arabic then foreign references without numbering them, as follows:.
A. Books: The author's surname followed by the rest of the name (year), the title of the book, the name of the investigator or translator if any (edition number, place of publication, name of publisher) Part number.
B. The Research or article published in a periodical journal: The author's surname followed by the rest of the name (year), the title of the search or article written within quotation marks, the name of the periodical, the issuer, the name of the country issued from, the volume number, and the issue number .
C. University dissertations: The author's surname followed by the rest of the name (year), the title of the dissertation or thesis, and the name of the university granting the dissertation .
D. Internet resources and references: The author's surname followed by the rest of the name (year), the title of the book, article, or research, the name and address of the website, and visiting date .
15. The research is the conference property; therefore, it should not be republished in any way, or any other language for any party.
16.Layout and style:
i.Font: Arabic research in (Simplified Arabic), and English research in (Times New Roman), with a single space between lines
ii. Font size: - Headlines (16, Bold). - Subheadings (14, Bold). - The body of the text in Arabic (14, Normal) and in English (12, Normal). - The summary in Arabic (12, italics) and the summary in English (10, italics). - Explanations or clarifications at the end of the page (10, Normal).
iii.Margins: -Up and down (2.5 cm) -Right (3 cm) - Left (2.5 cm) .
17. Research, studies and all correspondence should be submitted by hand or e-mail to : .
-The Chairman of the Conference Scientific Committee.
- The Faculty of Economics, Sirte University .
-The following E-mail: Centralization.conf@su.edu.ly.